Wednesday, October 29, 2008

forcing me to remember that it wasn't just a dream...

Tonight I started writing a letter to some of the people I worked with in Malawi. (Wow! I have been back home for three months.) And then I have to think of what to say to these people. My life has kind of moved on. And there life probably hasn't. And how do you tell them that you kind of think of your time spent with them as a dream... a far off happening of the past. That you don't pray for them. Obviously you don't tell them that. You tell them how much you are thankful for them and that you wish you could see them again. This is hard. It's a good thing they won't know that I have procrastinated doing this until about four days before I have to give the letters to Manuel to take back to Malawi. That I will probably keep procrastinating until the last possible moment. Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a jerk. But I also can't help that they are so far away in so many different ways. Or is that just an excuse for the lack of love in my heart and absence of thought in my mind?


Carol-Lee Joy said...

I think it's just naturally how people work: you forget about people you don't see for while...even if they live like half an hour away!

But just think of how much they will love to get your letter.!

Captain Carrot said...

i think so too. Airplanes and cars and email and facebook allow us to know a lot of people, but they don't give us the ability to stay connected with all those people, to really know them all on the level we might wish we could. thats just not how it works. But don't you wish sometimes you could do that?