Monday, July 6, 2009


the donkey sounds funny. but he just reminds me of how lonely i feel too.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2 samuel 12

sin is like weeds. it starts as a seed sown and then watered. it germinates and demands more and more nutrients as it begins to take root and sprout. quickly it grows until larger than most plants around it. when there is finally an attempt to pull it out, there is a struggle. sometimes the one pulling becomes too weary from the effort. pruners appear and only the part seen above the soil is chopped and discarded. it doesn't die, but proves resilient, coming back bigger than before. pulling it out in its entirety takes determination and strength. hands get cut and calloused. there is the danger of pulling out other good plants with it. many times good soil comes up with the roots. but when the deed is finally done, hands are raised in victory. there is freedom and peace!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


It's strange to think that one year ago I had just spent my first few days in Africa. I thought three months was a long time, but it has already been a year later! Crazy!!

(I think that this picture is actually of Mozambique, which is really fun to say, by the way.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Do you ever have it that you just really want a hug?

Friday, March 27, 2009

today my heart is far away

I remember her for her singing and dancing. She would come to Bible Club and lead the kids in dancing and singing for hours without rest. She would then close by saying in both English and Chichewa, "God is good, all the time and all the time, God is good. Alleluia? Alleluia!"

I remember her for the smiles and laughter that were so much a part of her. The happiness that wanted to spill over into others lives. The joy she had from knowing Jesus was evident from that glow her face held.
I remember her for the big hugs she would give that made me miss home less. The kind of hugs that made you feel like something was being communicated from the heart; that encompassed you with care and love and joy.
I remember her for welcoming me into her house, sharing what she had. I remember her proudly showing her photo album- her wedding day. I remember her and her husband walking me home that Sunday. And then today I got this...
"So I am alone and I am feeling very painful in my heart. And I want you Amy to help me in your prayer. Please, please, help me. My life in Jesus now is going down, because of problems in my life. So please help me in your prayer."
I see her now, in her small house. Broken down in tears. Missing her husband who left her for someone else. Everything- her family, her strong faith, her possessions, her health- taken away. The smiles and laughter, gone. The dancing and singing, now mournful. Her arms longing for a hug. Her soul longing for comfort.
"I am in trouble, my friend. (why?)"
I love you Chisomo. Today my heart is far away.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

there is a connection!

getting up early has its benefits...

(Maybe one day I will be a bit more skilled at night shots.)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

flying could get addicting...

but there really is no place like home.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

family quotable quotes

"I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. I just have no interest in it."

(I'm not sure why, but when I heard this, it struck me as quite amusing.)
(Also, I was just looking at my choice in comma placement; is it correct?)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i haven't posted in a while.

I’ve been realizing lately how many things I haven’t done in a long time: book reading, picture taking, room cleaning, journal writing. I may have to change that.

I went to the library today to return the ACT study books and came home with two books on grammar. I'm curious to find out how much I have to learn.

Monday, January 12, 2009

you don't have to have a green nose to be with it.

Things can be so clear when you read them in a story, but hard to put into practice in real life.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Waking up is hard work.
And I'm not even sure what that was supposed to mean.