Saturday, May 17, 2008

it hurts

i asked the Lord... and it hurts.

Please pray.

His strength is made perfect in my weakness.


Carol-Lee Joy said...

what's going on? You're getting me worried! I'm calling you soon.

nadine j. said...

I'm praying.
Thanks for talking.

Captain Carrot said...


nadine j. said...

I'm singing it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Amy,
not gonna lie, I forget to pray for you all the time. I am really really a hundred percent sorry for that.
I am trying my best to pray for you hard.


Kyle said...

Dear Amy,
Guess what.
I saw you today! You drove past in a little black volkswagen.
She looked a lot like you. A LOT.
For a second I thought it was you, but then I realized that wasnt really possible.
Love, Kyle

Amy said...

Dear everyone I miss you a lot. And I'm not gonna lie, I forget to pray for all of you all the time... and I am so sorry... I am not very good at praying and that is why I appreciate your prayers so much. Thanks Brittni for trying so hard.