Tuesday, June 9, 2009

2 samuel 12

sin is like weeds. it starts as a seed sown and then watered. it germinates and demands more and more nutrients as it begins to take root and sprout. quickly it grows until larger than most plants around it. when there is finally an attempt to pull it out, there is a struggle. sometimes the one pulling becomes too weary from the effort. pruners appear and only the part seen above the soil is chopped and discarded. it doesn't die, but proves resilient, coming back bigger than before. pulling it out in its entirety takes determination and strength. hands get cut and calloused. there is the danger of pulling out other good plants with it. many times good soil comes up with the roots. but when the deed is finally done, hands are raised in victory. there is freedom and peace!


. . . said...

thats a pretty sweet analogy.

nadine j. said...


Kimberly Janice... said...

were you thinking at work? :)